Tuesday, November 3, 2009

College Night

Tonight I get to venture out of the armpit of Florida to participate in a perspective student college night in Georgia. Wesleyan College, my undergraduate institution doesn't have an admissions rep available to go, so I get to go as an alum. Last year was my first year participating, and I love it. The best part is that another alum will be there too, and it's always great to relive the glory days!

Wesleyan is a women's college, and attending was the best decision I have ever made. I truly grew so much in the four years that I was there and am now part of a wonderful sisterhood that spans many generations. I love going out and meeting future Wesleyannes and talking to them about my experiences. Some scoff at the idea of attending a women's college (I did!), but one visit to the campus and most are hooked. It's truly an amazing place.

Wish me luck in recruiting tonight!

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