Monday, October 12, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did NOT make a modified version of MckMama's version of redneck caviar and eat the entire thing with my husband. I also did not become so addicted to the stuff that I made it three times this week for dinner and stopped at the grocery store with two screaming kiddos to get the accompanying fritos. Not me! I always cook and serve only well-balanced meals, never only chips and dip. Not me! (In my own defense, *if* I had done that, the kids would've eaten better than that, *if I did it, which I didn't....)

I did not go out to dinner with my husband and his coworker and her spouse only to order something that skeezed me out so badly when looking at it that I couldn't eat it. Especially at a nice restaurant, especially at a work dinner. Not me! I always enjoy fine dining and am always willing to try new things!

Seriously now, when learning that my in-laws (who I love!) were looking for a house to rent, I did not tell them that there was one 3 houses down from us causing them to rent it. I would never overlook the possible problems that may cause in the future. Not me! I always think ahead.

I also did not forget that C spilled a whole container of chickfila milk in the car leading to choruses of "EWWWWWw..what's that SMELL" when we got in the car this morning. Not me! I always clean things up immediately. It's also not me that now has to pay for a shampooing of the smelly car. Not me!

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