Just a quick update, because if I don't get some work done soon people may start questioning what exactly I do all day. A returned to Dr. N this week for test results. His appointment was scheduled late in the afternoon so that I could work most of the day. However, around noon his nurse called and asked if we could come in at 2, because Dr. N had some cancellations and "wanted to end his day early."
Fine. We go in early.
Dr. N, however, didn't have time to see us long, so he sent his PA to deliver the results. She kept saying things like, "the test results are relatively normal," and "for the most part, it's good news." I kept waiting for the bomb to drop, but, it never came.
So, turns out all the test results were normal. Based on the fact that A has only had one "episode," we're going to watch him and see if anything else presents itself.
At the end of the appointment, Dr. N came in to say, "A's test results are good." He then instructed me to over salt A's food. He said to start slow, but gradually go up to a lot of salt, so he'd get used to the taste. The reasoning? So his blood pressure won't go low and he won't faint. But...he doesn't have low blood pressure? What?
Does it seem to anyone else that this is setting him up for HIGH blood pressure later in life with all the salt? Clearly, I'm going to need his ped's input on this.
We saw the ped on Monday, for a murmur check. He maintains that it's an innocent murmur, but says we can see a pediatric cardiologist if we need to for our own "anxiety." He mentioned that he knew DH was "more anxious" that I am about diagnoses. Anyone who knows me knows that this is hilarious, because *I* am the one who freaks out. That' s ok, we don't have to share that with the ped.....
I did tell him that, should A need further neurological care, we would not be going with Dr. N. The ped laughed and said I wasn't the first parent to say that and he'd help us with a referral to the university hospital.
That's all in A's medical drama for now. We'd appreciate continued prayers!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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