Tonight C and I had one of those moments. He was being a sweet boy and we were cuddling before bed. We read our books, told a goodnight story, and then C was "teaching" me the songs that he learned at school. He sang a cute firefighter song, and most of the ABC's, but he got to U and became "too tired" to continue. (My twin calls him a divo...this is totally appropriate.)
C asked me to sing him something, so I sang Laurie Bernker's Goodnight Song. If you haven't heard it, it's really cute. Here are the lyrics:
I'm a little tiger and my mommy loves me. I'm a little tiger and my daddy loves me, and when they tuck me in to say goodnight they say grrr, grrr, grrr, goodnight. Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight little tiger goodnight.
The song goes on with a little frog, little owl, and finally a little kid. Tonight when I got to little owl, C stopped me. "Actually, mommy.....owls don't sleep at night. Owls are nocturnal, they sleep during the day. So, owls aren't going to sleep right now. It's night time."
C never ceases to amaze me. He's so cute and so smart (and I'm not biased at all...very much....) I told him that he was absolutely right and I would not sing the owl part. C got really quiet, gave me a kiss and said, "that's ok, mommy. If you want to sing the owl part, you can." Such a sweet boy! It was a hallmark moment and the perfect way to end the day. That is until C said, "mommy, do you know the pick your nose song? It's gross. Really gross."
Moment. Over.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
I love those moments, and it cracks me up how quickly they are over. LOL