So C and A are still at my dad's. I'm amazed that they made it this far. I miss them more than I could possibly say. Every time I call to check (which I am embarrassed to admit is multiple times a day) they are too busy to talk to mommy. Although, A did manage a, "hi mommy!" before he ran off into his fort made out of a refrigerator box. This is forcing me to admit that my babies are growing up and aren't babies anymore!
On Monday, A spiked a temp and my dad and stepmother took him into the doctor's office for a checkup. All was OK, they suspect a sore throat and gave him some augmentin. I'm a little surprised that they gave him antibiotics without a positive strep test. The scary part is, the doctor heard a heart murmur. He said it was loud and he was surprised that A was cleared for his ear tube surgery last month without checking it out. Of course, my heart hit the floor. With all the recent testing and scares this terrified me. After a call to my pediatrician, I realized/remembered that a heart murmur was heard when A was 4 months old and that it was a vibratory murmur, thought to be innocent. The pedi said that if A was sick, he probably had increased cardiac output which caused the doc to hear the murmur. Don't freak out, he said, but bring him in for an appointment in a couple of weeks and we'll check it out. So, more testing for A. Poor guy.
The worst part about all of this (apart from general health worries for A) is that I'm so far away. I just want to cuddle him and read books, and rock him and do our normal sick baby routine and I can't. I hate that I'm not there to make the calls that need to be made and give him his medicine and just be mommy. It's so hard to give up control! A good friend at work pointed out to me that I needed to let other people handle things sometimes, and that I try to take on too much. I think this is a mommy thing.
What do you all think? Does anyone else have a hard time letting other people handle kid things?
A cute side story, my dad's wife has a grandniece (I think i have this right) who is about A's age. She's been over to play some while A and C are visiting. A is in love with her. He scoots over next to her as close as he can get, lays his head on her shoulder, and bats his eyelashes. I think I have a lady killer on my hands!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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