How stressful is it when a family member goes too far in their 'advice'? Even when they don't MEAN to be harmful, it can be. Very. A member of my family has been VERY vocal with me regarding the H1N1 vaccine, and insists that the boys should have it. While I very much appreciate the concern for my children, I'm beginning to resent the implication that I cannot intelligently evaulate the situation and determine what's best for my kids on my own. I really DO have that ability. In fact, My husband and I made a decision about the vaccine after conversations with the pediatrician, a nurse practitioner, and our own research.
The resentment has been building over the past few days because I have recieved daily emails with additional information from this family member. Today's email takes the cake. Let me share with you just a few lines:
"I came across this study on handwashing/prevention of disease in children under 5. We should be able to reduce the number of incidences of illness with A and C during flu season by being slightly more diligent."
"Here is the copy/paste from the Lancet on handwashing (not trying to imply that your/our house has conditions like rural Pakistan at least not on most
"Handwashing with soap prevents the two clinical syndromes that cause the largest number of childhood deaths globally-namely, diarrhoea and acute lower respiratory infections. Handwashing with daily bathing also prevents impetigo." (From the article).
Try as I might, I am really having a hard time with this. I want to express that the email crosses a line with me, but I don't want to step on any toes. GGrrrrr. I'm so mad!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
I would be so upset!
ReplyDeleteHave you figured out a way to nicely tell this person to knock it off?