A is hilarious. He seriously makes us laugh all day long. He has a mix of a wonderful sense of humor and a very serious side which makes for some zingers that come out of his mouth.
A is almost 3 now, and not potty trained. In fact, up until yesterday, A had NO interest in the potty. I learned the hard way with C that you can't force the issue. When they're ready, they're ready. When they're not...well...they're not.
Last night A informed me that he wanted to use the potty. Great!!!! We clapped and praised and helped him out of his pull-up. Then he insisted he had to be "nakedheimer" in order to use the potty. Fine, no problem! So, we helped A get "nakedheimer" and he sat on the potty. And sat, and sat, and sat. 25 minutes later, still sitting. Nakedheimer.
Finally, we heard a little toot. A jumped up and looked in the potty. Then, he very very seriously said: Mommy, there's no poop in there! I guess my fart didn't work!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago