This weekend was wet, rainy, and yucky in our neck of the woods. There was lots of thunder and lightning and it stormed for awhile. A is VERY afraid of thunder. One night a few months ago he woke up to a bad storm in the middle of the night. Every single night since then he asks me where the thunder is when I put him to bed. Every night I have to say, "Thunder went bye-bye! All gone!" and then he goes to sleep.
Poor thing was very scared last night, the storm just wouldn't let up. C, however, was being an awesome big brother. He would hold A's hand and tell him that it was ok, not to be afraid. C even tried to explain thunder to A, which I think actually helped ease his fears a little bit. Mommy's heart just melted when I heard this from the back of the car:
C: "A, are you afraid?"
A: "Yes!"
C: "Here, I'll hold your hand! Don't be afraid, A, I will take care of you."
a few minutes later...
C: "A, are you still afraid?"
A: "No."
C: "Good, I was worried about you!!"
He was so sweet to his brother!
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