Of my two beautiful, amazing boys, my youngest is by far the best sleeper. Or...he was.... C has always had a hard time sleeping. He's 4 and is yet to sleep through the night, or fall asleep by himself. We've tried it all. Twice. He just doesn't sleep well.
A, however, has always been a fabulous sleeper. I lay him down, hand him his night night (read: blanket) and ninny (read: paci...don't judge, I'm working on it!) and say, "mommy loves you, you are my angel! Night, night, ok?" A says, "ok," rolls over and goes to sleep for the entire night without a peep. Or, he did.
Since his surgery and ear troubles, A has gotten VERY spoiled. He's now used to cuddling in the middle of the night. Many a night we ended up in the same bed. Now, though, A is better and mommy is ready to drop the middle of the night snuggle fests. A, is not. Two nights ago, I was going to be strong. When he cried I was going to check on him, smooch him, tell him night night and go back to sleep. After, "I want mommy!!!" and frantic grabbing at my shirt, my dear hubby woke up to A and I asleep in the big bed in his room. Hubby rolled his eyes. I shrugged and smooched my sweet baby and informed hubby that he was the "big guns" and HE was on baby duty next.
Last night, I laid down and reminded hubby that he was on call. A woke up around 2, and I, of course, had to wake hubby up and tell him to go to A. "Be strong!" I called after him.
This morning I groggily rolled out of bed and started to shuffle in the general direction of the coffee pot when it hit me...hubby was NOT in bed. Uh oh....Where was he? Up ready to hand me coffee? Nope, snuggled in the bed with A. So much for the big guns!
Me: "WHAT HAPPENED, Mr. Toughguy?"
Hubby: "He said, I wub you, daddy!"
What could I say? I wasn't any tougher....
So, here's to trying again tonight, and hoping that my children will not need me to come to college to soothe them in the middle of the night.....
Anyone have suggestions on what to do next?!?!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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